The most beautiful cities in Austria

Welcome to one of Europe’s most beautiful countries. Austria’s landscapes, regions and townscapes provide almost the full range of European variety in the centre of the continent. Austria is often associated, rightly, with winter sports, but there is so much more on offer. Its alpine areas are rugged and picturesque, but that’s far from being the whole story.

Health & medical care

Medical care in Austria is of a high standard, but for non-residents can be expensive. Comprehensive travel insurance is advised, covering all costs of medical care and evacuation. If engaging in outdoor or winter sports, check carefully that these will be covered.


A pharmacy (Apotheke) might be able to provide advice on some conditions. Pharmacies are usually open M-F 8-18 and Saturday mornings. The duty all-hours pharmacy (Apotheken Notdienst) list is posted in the window of pharmacies in cities and towns, indicating where service is available out of hours.
To find pharmacies online, visit the website, click the map and give the local area postcode (PLZ) or area name. To find duty pharmacists on the website, click the ‘Notdienste’ menu and scan the area listing for pharmacies showing the head-and-shoulders (with cross) icon ‘Bereitschaft mit Anwesenheit’. A similar service is available at the Österreichische Apothekerkammer website  (for duty pharmacists click on the ‘Nachtdienst’ button and scan for pharmacies displaying ‘Heute Nachtdienst’ in red).

Austrian pharmacy Apotheke


Up to three packs of a personal prescribed medication in original packaging can be brought into Austria, but users should also carry the relevant prescriptions and a letter indicating need from the doctor. There is an official limit of 30 days’ supply for these. Advice is available from local Austrian consulates or embassies.

Under the Schengen Agreement for European countries patients need to carry certification for some classes of drugs or psychotropic substances, so travellers relying on certain medicines should check with their medical practitioners in advance.

Emergency care

Public hospitals providing emergency care are operated by state and local authorities. In an emergency case (Notfall), call an ambulance (Rettungsdienst or Ambulanz) on 144, or the European emergency number 112. There is also an emergency doctor hotline (141). The national poisons hotline is 01-4064343.


COVID entry requirements for travel to Austria have been lifted and there are no social restrictions. The Austrian government recommends annual booster vaccinations, especially in autumn. The same applies to flu vaccines and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
More than a dozen Vienna pharmacies were offering PCR testing as a private service late in 2023. Many more offered rapid antigen tests.
By mid-2023 about 60% of Austrians had had a booster dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

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